• Storytime

    A Baby Story

    Ok, quick reminder: I was asked, and agreed, to be the “coach” for my cousin when she had her baby. Her circumstances are her own but the long and short of it is she decided to have a baby by herself, so I was to be the person at her bedside, helping her through labor and delivery. The actual call was fairly simple, far less traumatic than some of the “test” calls which involved me panicking and swerving into traffic. She ended up being induced so I knew to pack up and head down to the local Baby Shop (aka. Rex) first thing in the morning. We checked in, along…

  • Updates

    Really Bag Blogger

    I think 4 or 5 people have told me that I accidentally entitled my last post “Bag Blogger”, which was exciting since I had no idea that many people were reading! Hi people! I am a really bad blogger. In my defense, things have been very busy and I have been thinking about blogging. I actually have 3 or 4 things in mind to write about, starting with the story of baby. But I want to give that story it’s full weight so I’ll save it for next time. And by “next time” I don’t mean 3 months from now. I don’t really have any great updates; work is still…

  • Updates

    Bag blogger!

    Yes, I am a bad blogger. School’s out- for summer this time. Was going to take a summer class but since I haven’t officially completed all assignments for my spring class (taking an incomplete) and work is not slowing down that seems a bad idea. Cuzin Yorii is due in less than a week and is completely ready to pop. I have to review my “to do” list and maybe reread a few chapters of the baby book to get myself psyched up. I’m missing mom’s day and my dad’s birthday at home this weekend, just in case she goes early but all signs seem to be pointing to ‘Junior’…

  • Updates

    Will You Like to Play?

    My never-ending workload recently caused my boss to nominate me for an award at work and, I’m pretty happy to say, I won! The reward was some time off, which I don’t have time to take, and $250. I decided to use that money to reward myself and so (after a lot of hunting; these things are hard to find!) I bought myself a Wii. Let me stop you quickly– I am not a video game person. Aside from the occasional arcade Galaga fun I have never spent a lot of time playing video games. We had a Nintendo in my house for about 5 minutes when I was growing…

  • Updates

    I’ll be the one talking to myself in the corner…

    My boss made a joke the other day – a “joke” – that I can’t have a boyfriend because I don’t have time. Well, it’s 11:30pm on a Saturday night, date night, and I am at work. I really hope this is as low as it’s going to get but I just don’t know. Last two weeks in 30 seconds or less:Saw shop-happy aunt and uncle for a day which was great but depressingly short; won an award for working so much; trying to find a wii so I can can wail on some Banjo Hero (Legends of Bluegrass); cuzin moved to cute new house; schoolwork is really cramping any…

  • News & Events

    Baby News (no, not mine)

    I’ve mentioned in passing that my cousin, Yorii (not her real name– I know, a shock) is pregnant. She reached a certain age and, still single, decided she would take matters into her own hands. One donor and some hilarious and heart-breaking antics later, she’s seven months along. In her exceptional wisdom she has decided that it is I that she wants as a coach, supporter and cheerleader in this process. So my duties will include helping her through labor, driving to the hospital (that is going to S-U-C-K), fighting for her wishes in the delivery room, keeping the ice water (no ice chips!) coming, cutting the umbilical cord (squishy!)…

  • General Information

    The mean reds

    It’s 11:45pm. Not that late really but since I’ve been trying to fall asleep for almost an hour the time has gone by agonizingly slowly. I’ve read, had the TV on, TV off, played mind-numbing games on my cell phone, and lain in the dark thinking of soft sandy beaches. I’ve tried thinking of nothing. It’s all been spectacularly unsuccessful. I’m thinking about work, and all the stuff I haven’t done. Thinking about school, and all the stuff I haven’t done. Thinking about my pregnant cousin and all her crazy stress, thinking about my office NCAA tournament pool that I’ve done nothing to prepare for, thinking about my weight and…

  • Updates

    Frank said “somethings gotta give”…

    I think it’s been fairly well documented that I’m busy. It may also have come up that I can’t say “no” to things – I get overbooked. Part of the ‘year of Jen’ was to work on this problem, but I’m not doing very well. Work is – busy. People keep leaving and we can’t hire replacements fast enough (plus hiring takes time we don’t have, which is an irritating catch-22). It’s a busy time of year anyway and add to that a few poorly-timed projects (transition to PHP5 servers- still love ya, Jason) and I’m in the middle of a stress test. Of course what do I do? I…

  • Updates

    Random Updates

    Progress EnergyApparently I wasn’t the only one with power problems in my area. Progress Energy came out and tore up the cables for everyone in my row of townhouses and then kindly put down grass seed in the area where I’d just finished killing the grass. On the plus side, my power hasn’t flickered in the slightest since then so (knock on wood) I think things might be fixed! Bedroom SetIt’s GORGEOUS! The biggest problem now is that I don’t want to get up in the morning because it’s so pretty and comfy! Yeah! Valentine’s Day & Weight WatchersIt took me a couple days to get over it this year.…

  • General Information

    Be mine!

    Oh good it’s that Hallmark-hyped holiday again. Sweet Valentine’s Day, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways… Months of candy and hearts to remind us the day is coming The mass of crappy romantic movies on every channel for the entire week The kind inquiries by friends who suddenly remember you’re single The rude inquiries by creepy people who suddenly remember you’re single The wondering if you’ll still be single this time next year I could keep going but you might think I’m bitter and depressed so I won’t. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.